Obtaining a good night’s sleep is a crucial aspect for maintaining a positive mood, energy level, and overall health. The quality of your sleep is also reliant on your activities during the day, including the amount of physical activity you engage in, the type of food and beverages you consume, and the level of mental stimulation you receive. Additionally, the activities you participate in just prior to bedtime are especially important in determining the quality of your sleep.
According to Michael Grandner, a psychiatry instructor and member of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Pennsylvania, individuals who experience insomnia or other sleep-related issues may be unintentionally engaging in activities that impede their ability to prepare for rest.
To prevent these issues, it is important to be aware of certain activities that should be avoided before going to bed if you have been experiencing a lack of sleep.
Use Smartphones And Gadgets
Numerous studies have indicated that the use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and e-readers, or even watching television in bed or prior to bedtime, can interfere with an individual’s ability to obtain adequate sleep. Therefore, it is crucial to abstain from utilizing light-emitting technology for a minimum of one hour prior to retiring for the night.
Blue light emitted by computers, smartphones, tablets, and television can obstruct the production of melatonin, which is essential for inducing drowsiness. Consequently, it is advised to refrain from using electronic devices in the bedroom altogether. If such devices must be utilized before bed, dimming the display may be beneficial in minimizing the impact of blue light emission.
Drink Coffee A Few Hours Before Bedtime
It is widely acknowledged that consuming coffee before bedtime is not conducive to achieving optimal sleep. A single cup of coffee contains roughly 95 milligrams of caffeine, which can sustain alertness for an extended period. Nonetheless, some individuals still desire a hot beverage after dinner. However, they may be unaware that this habit, even if it occurs several hours prior to retiring for the night, can still disrupt sleep. This is due to caffeine’s capacity to remain in the body for up to 10 hours, as noted by Michael Grandner, a sleep researcher and instructor of psychiatry.
According to Grandner, caffeine consumption even at lunchtime may be too close to bedtime for some individuals. As a result, it is recommended to consider alternative beverages as a means of quenching thirst before bed. For instance, warm milk may serve as a beneficial sleep aid.
Consume Chocolate
Consuming chocolate, particularly dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, may also be a concealed source of caffeine. Furthermore, chocolate comprises theobromine, a stimulant that can increase heart rate and interfere with sleep. Individuals may overlook the fact that ice cream or other desserts containing chocolate or coffee can also contain caffeine, which can impede their ability to fall asleep if they are sensitive to it.
A 50-gram serving of dark chocolate contains around 19 milligrams of caffeine and 250 milligrams of theobromine, according to studies. As a result, opting for a light snack that does not contain caffeine may be a preferable option if you are hungry close to bedtime. Nuts and fruits such as pineapple, oranges, and bananas may boost the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep.
Check Emails
In addition to blue-light-emitting devices, there are other potential issues associated with checking work emails too close to bedtime. Late-night correspondence with colleagues can increase feelings of nervousness, agitation, or induce anxiety about tasks that need to be addressed the following day. To alleviate concerns about pending tasks and free up mental space, consider jotting down a to-do list. This approach can assist in achieving a calm state of mind that facilitates falling asleep quickly.
Consume Spicy Food
Consuming a substantial meal in the hours leading up to bedtime can be problematic, making it difficult to fall asleep, particularly if you’re feeling bloated or overly full. Foods that are high in fat or spice can be particularly problematic because they’re associated with acid reflux, which often exacerbates when lying down.
According to experts, it is best to have dinner at least two hours before going to sleep. This will give your body adequate time to start digesting the food. For those accustomed to eating before going to bed, consider consuming sleep-promoting foods like simple carbohydrates or a glass of milk.
Cigarettes are harmful to your health in several ways, particularly when it comes to your ability to sleep, as nicotine is a stimulant. Smoking immediately before bed or as a method of unwinding when you can’t sleep can have the opposite effect to the one intended.
Furthermore, smokers may experience an additional problem of waking up in the middle of the night due to nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Although regular aerobic exercise has been shown to help regulate sleep patterns, the timing of the exercise is crucial for success. It is important to allow for a minimum of three hours between your workout and bedtime to prevent your body from remaining in an active state when you try to sleep.
Not Making Your Bedroom Suited For A Restful Sleep
Maintaining an optimal sleep environment can significantly enhance the quality of your sleep. To achieve this, it is recommended that you keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. It is important to avoid exposure to light in the evenings as it can make it difficult to fall asleep. Similarly, prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before bedtime should be avoided. If needed, you may consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan, or other devices to create an environment that is conducive to good sleep.
Engaging in calming activities before bedtime can also promote better sleep. These activities may include taking a bath or practicing relaxation techniques. By incorporating such activities into your routine, you can help to ease your mind and body into a state of relaxation, which can improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Final Thoughts
It is important to prioritize sleep for our overall well-being. However, a lot of people struggle with getting enough quality sleep. One way to address this issue is to assess your evening routine and make adjustments as needed. This may involve cutting back on habits that could interfere with sleep such as drinking coffee, smoking, or using electronic devices emitting blue light. Making small changes to our routine can lead to better sleep and ultimately improve our health and daily performance.