All posts in "Prayers"

You Are More Than A Conqueror!

By 101 Success Hacks / January 25, 2016

Beloved,   You are loved and cherished by the most high God. Today, God wants you to know that you are not a victim, but a victor. He will turn your test into a testimony. He will make your mess into a message. Your identity is not in whatever circumstances that defines you. Your identity is in […]


A Prayer For Your Health

By 101 Success Hacks / January 24, 2016

To you who are reading this…   I would like to pray for your health today. Many times, we neglect our health in return for something; be it wealth, career, relationships etc, and taking it for granted. But sometimes, things just don’t happen the way we want it to be – we get struck down […]


A Prayer For Strength

By 101 Success Hacks / January 21, 2016

Today, I just want to take this time to pray for your strength. I know that sometimes, the toughest thing to do in the midst of our helpless situation is to ask God for strength, because it just seem so impossible.   No matter what your circumstances may be, I want you to know that your […]


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