Some people might say that complaining is one of humanity’s most popular pastimes. You go anywhere and you’ll probably hear someone voicing a grievance about something. Chances are, you can think of at least one thing that you’re not happy with right this very second. This article will show you how to stop letting complaints control your life and start taking active steps to resolve the issues that are important to you.
What separates somebody who complains from everybody else is their ability to take action. You will stand out by finding solutions to your own problems.
From this day forward, whenever you encounter a problem or issue, do the following mental exercise:
Practice Issue-Spotting
The first step to solving this problem is identifying the real issue. Once you know what it is that you disagree with, finding a solution will be much easier. For example, if you’re always late for work, it’s not because of traffic; we all know how hard it is to get an Uber or Grab during rush hour. Instead, the solution might be as simple as waking up earlier or not using your car during peak traffic hours.
Think Of The Most Practical Answers And Solutions, Not Trivial Ones
After you identify the issues, it’s time to look for solutions that are actually achievable. Many people get caught up in looking for outrageous solutions when all they need to do is find something practical. With this brain workout, you’ll be able to train yourself to see more reasonable solutions and not just pipe dreams.
It’s easy to get stuck complaining when we only see one solution to our problems. Hiring a cleaner might be the best answer, but it isn’t always practical. To break out of this cycle, try brainstorming three possible solutions to your everyday problems. This exercise will help improve your thinking skills so that you can see more than one way to solve a problem.
Apply Your Solution And Monitor Results
Taking action is the most crucial step when it comes to finding solutions to problems. The ability to come up with an innovative solution is an essential skill for entrepreneurs, but the real value comes from actually implementing it. The brain workout mentioned above can help you not only come up with a solution but also pick the best one and put it into practice. It’s important to carefully consider the various options and choose the one that is most likely to yield positive results. Once you have implemented your solution, it’s important to keep track of its progress and effectiveness. Sometimes, even the most well-thought-out solutions may require tweaking or even scrapping altogether, depending on the circumstances. Thus, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution is critical in determining whether it’s truly the best option. Ultimately, taking action and being willing to make adjustments along the way can help ensure that your solutions are successful and lead to overall success as an entrepreneur.
Other Small Exercises For Your Mind
Learn New Stuff
Though this brain exercise may demand some time investment upfront, it has the potential to yield extraordinary results. By keeping your brain challenged with new learning experiences, you can improve its function and delay cognitive decline.
In one study, researchers assigned older adults to learn a variety of new skills ranging from digital photography to quilting. They then did memory tests and compared the experimental groups to control groups. Those in the control groups had engaged in activities that were fun but not mentally challenging such as watching movies and listening to the radio. The findings indicated that those who learned new skills improved their performance on memory tests relative to those in the control group.
Do you have a passion that you want to learn more about? Whether it’s car repairs, using new software, or riding horses, there are plenty of reasons to explore your interests.
Get Out And Socialize
Even for those who don’t enjoy socializing, staying socially active can have positive effects on your brain in both the short term and long run. A few ways to stay engaged are by volunteering locally, becoming a member of a club or organization, going on walks with others in your area, and keeping close ties with loved ones. When we engage in social activities, it benefits several areas of our brain. And many times, these social events also incorporate physical activity, such as playing a sport, which is great for our mental health.
Draw A Map Of Your Hometown From Your Memory
After returning home from a trip, try mapping out the area you visited. The next time you go somewhere new, do the same thing. A study conducted on London taxi drivers (who need to memorize the city’s layout) found that those who were successful in memorizing the map showed permanent changes to brain structure and improved cognitive function.
According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, getting your groove on can have some benefits for your brain. Learning new dance moves has been shown to increase processing speed and memory. So go ahead—bust a move! Your brain will thank you later.
Learn How To Cook
When you’re starting to learn how to cook, it can be overwhelming because there are so many things to think about at once. You have to plan your meal, get the ingredients ready, and set up your workspace. Then you need to coordinate the preparation while keeping track of timing and spatial awareness. This requires focus and planning ahead.
Furthermore, you engage your senses of taste and smell more than normal while cooking. Trust me, this is great for your brain! With other activities that challenge your brain, they can feel like a drag because you have to make yourself think or concentrate. But with cooking, it’s hands-on so you’re engaged the whole time. Plus, there’s extra motivation to do well since you’ll be eating what you cook in the end!
Final Thoughts
If you commit to these three easy steps every day, repetitive as they may be, you will find that solving problems comes more naturally to you. With this brain workout, we intend to sharpen your problem-solving skills and make them second nature. You’ll be glad you stuck with it when future challenges arise and others are left stumped!