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In The Meantime, Take Full Advantage Of These Bonus Resources Specially Prepared For My Subscribers
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Free Personalized Readings
Manifestation Bonuses

The Instant Switch
It’s simple, fun, easy… and guaranteed to work for you!
The moment you flip The Instant Switch, you feel confident, inspired and in control for maybe the first time in your life.
And before you know it, everything that was once out of reach… now falls easily into your lap.
This is one serious switch you MUST flip if you’re serious about achieving financial abundance!

Manifestation Miracle
The Manifestation Miracle bundle will literally force the universe to give you all the tools that you need to create financial, emotional and spiritual abundance…
Without hard work or struggle. You'll achieve your wealth, health, relationships, and other personal goals, and life will all of a sudden get super exciting, you'll find it hard to sleep as you'll be so excited about each new day to come!

Ultimate Success Manifesto
What you're going through right now, all the things that at the end of the day just don't come out your way, no matter how much you struggle...
None of this is your fault.
It's not because you DID something wrong.
It's not because you are not determined enough.
But it has a lot to do with a SNEAKY brain mechanism that makes you attract exactly what you EXPECT. Discover that mechanism in this Ultimate Success Manifesto!
Financial Aid Bonuses

Vogenesis - Get Paid To Speak English
How would you like to talk and get paid well for it?
Did you know that regular people are getting paid from $250 to $750 for a few minutes of their time just recording their voice in a computer from the comfort of their home?
In the presentation below, you'll discover a simple work from home loophole that helped a mom of two kids, $11K in debt, make over $4,522 in a matter of weeks...
Thousands of other people are already benefiting from this amazing demand for English speakers.
See it for yourself!

Take Surveys For Cash
Have you ever heard of taking paid surveys on the internet before? We have one right now that pays $50, and takes less than 10 minutes!
Big companies around the world need people just like you, to voice their opinions about their product… and, they’re willing to pay you for your time!
Luckily for you, I’ve found all of the best paid survey companies for you, and created a list of all of the best ones!
Here's your chance...
Click on the link above and start taking paid surveys!
Health & Wellness Bonuses

Fat Diminisher System
Did you know that dieting can actually “help” you gain weight?
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight through a painful process of dieting, and seeing all your lost pounds came rushing back right after you break the dieting discipline...
You’re not alone!
The problem isn’t you and it’s not your willpower. That’s because most of us who’ve tried to lose weight have had the exact same experience.
There’s a scientific reason why your body is doing this to you… and the good news is, you can work with your body so you can easily burn off all the excess fat you want.
Click on the link above to uncover “The Diet Industry’s Dirty Secret—Revealed!”

Red Smoothie Detox Factor
Everyone knows green smoothies are healthy, right? However…
Have you heard of a “red” smoothie? It's a new breakthrough in the smoothie industry!
Liz, founder of Red Smoothie, explained that we desperately need to detox from “manufactured food-like products.” They’re actually packed with toxic chemicals and residues that force us to gain weight—as well as some gross stuff that the body has to pack away as fat. Because this stuff isn’t real food.
So what can you eat that’s both good for you and good-tasting…and detoxes your body?
Liz has developed a delicious method called the Red Smoothie Detox Factor that does all that. Swiftly liberating your body from the toxins in processed food so your body can to do to fat what nature designed it to do.