Add These Things To Your Resume Now! Employers Enumerate The Best Employee Skills They Are Looking For

By 101 Success Hacks / February 3, 2023

Aside from technical skills, awards, and recognition that will fit perfectly in the job position, employers are also looking for the soft skills that they consider essential to maintain competence, integrity, and employee morale in the office. 

The most valuable employee skills extend beyond just what one acquires from university and school education.

It’s important that you also highlight these things that will make you stand out from the other candidates for the job. 

Here are the top 5 best employee skills that employers are always looking for in an applicant: 


 Employers want the assurance that the demands of the job will be met by the employee. They want to hire someone who is honest enough to keep the companies’ secrets and to make sure that they will give only the best. It’s important that you know how to demonstrate this skill in your interviews. HR managers will usually ask questions that involve the usual employee dilemma, and assess how you will answer such hypothetical questions.


The needs of the modern world heavily affect businesses and company organizations. Employers consider flexibility as one of the best employee skills that you should include in your application. Flexibility can be demonstrated by the following: 

  • Ability to cover for a coworker during emergency leaves
  • Ability to adapt to structural changes in the organization
  • Ability to learn new things related to the job
  • Ability to take responsibilities should the need arise.

Communication Skills

Communication skills may be a vague term but it’s more than just public speaking skills. Employers are looking to hire people who demonstrate the following: 

  • High self-confidence
  • Not easily being swayed by emotions
  • Being able to vibe well with other people
  • Friendliness
  • Social skills
  • Attentiveness
  • Ability to follow instructions well
  • Ability to voice out concerns clearly
  • Empathy

Teamwork Skills 

Organizations are about teamwork and working towards one goal. Employers want someone who can clearly provide and suggest solutions to the problems that are within their competencies. They want a team player who will contribute significantly to the group, not someone who will be more of a problem. Don’t demonstrate shyness during your interview as it suggests that you are not open to sharing your ideas and thoughts with your officemates.

Leadership Skills 

HR managers only hire employees whom they think can take responsibility and be accountable for their actions. Simple leadership skills can be demonstrated through the following:

  • Ability to take initiative for the betterment of the company
  • Ability to exceed expectations
  • Professionalism
  • Being able to set realistic goals
  • Acknowledging and honoring the contributions of deserving team members.
  • Ability to cover when a team member is unavailable

Other Skills Employers Are Looking For 

Aside from the above mentioned, employers also value certain soft skills and personal attributes in their employees, as these traits can greatly impact an individual’s success in their career. Here are 15 more of these skills and attributes and why they are important in the workplace:

Adaptability – Companies look for employees who can quickly adapt to new environments, processes, and technologies. This skill is essential in today’s fast-paced work environment where change is inevitable.

Attention to detail – Mistakes can be costly for businesses, so employers prefer individuals who are diligent and conscientious in their work.

Collaboration – The ability to work well with others, both within the team and across departments, is critical to career success. Employers look for individuals who have demonstrated successful teamwork and partnerships.

Creativity – Businesses benefit from fresh ideas and new approaches to old problems, so employers seek individuals who can think creatively and offer novel solutions.

Customer service – A company’s success is tied to good customer service, so employers look for employees who are dedicated to meeting the expectations of both internal stakeholders and external clients.

Decision making – Managers value employees who can assess situations and determine the next steps to take, rather than always seeking guidance.

Empathy – Understanding the emotions of others is important for effectively engaging with coworkers, managers, customers, and clients.

Multitasking – The modern workplace is often busy and complex, so employers look for individuals who can effectively manage multiple tasks and priorities.

Positivity – Employers prefer employees who approach difficulties with a can-do attitude, resilience, and determination.

Problem solving – Every job involves challenges and problems, so employers seek individuals who can resolve conflicts and come up with creative solutions.

Self-motivation – Employers prefer employees who take the initiative to solve problems and get the job done without the need for constant encouragement.

Time management – Time management skills are crucial in any role, so employers want to see that an individual has the discipline to meet deadlines and make the most of their workday.

Work ethic – Employers value honesty, punctuality, responsibility, and reliability, which are all integral to a strong work ethic. These qualities should be demonstrated in the professional history and skills sections of a candidate’s resume.

Reasons Why Employers Reject A Job Applicant 

It’s better not only to work on your resume but also on some manifest skills and attitude that show during the interview. Take note of the following reasons why a hiring manager reject a job candidate right after an interview: 

Poor Time Keeping – Late arrival to the interview is a major red flag, except in cases such as traffic accidents or unforeseen events.

Appearance – Candidates should be well-dressed and professional, unless in a more relaxed industry. Exceptions may be made in cases such as lost luggage.

Poor Non-Verbal Communication – Persistent nervousness and lack of confidence during the interview can be warning signs, except in cases of neurological differences.

Poor Verbal Communication – Inability to respond to questions clearly, precisely and with relevance is a deal breaker, except when the deficiencies are trainable.

Preparation – Candidates should demonstrate knowledge of the company and the role, except in cases where the interview was called at short notice or the search is confidential.

Poor, No, or Wrong Candidate Questions – Lack of self-awareness or poor preparation for the interview can indicate a candidate should not proceed to the next round.

Display of Device Addiction – Use of a device during the interview, unless related to the process, is a reason to end the interview immediately.

Final Thoughts

Highlight these skills in your resume and make sure that you can demonstrate these (and avoid doing the mentioned red flags) during the interview. Exhibiting the best employee skills are usually the deciding factors why employers choose a particular applicant over hundreds of others who are equally qualified for the job.



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